Sustainable 19125 & 19134 Blog

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The Sustainable Business Advantage

Monday Mar 18, 2013
Last month, the City of Philadelphia released applications for the Sustainable Business Tax Credit. Although the bill that introduced the credit was passed in 2009, the tax credit will be available for tax years 2012 through 2017. Twenty-five eligible businesses will receive a credit of up to $4,000 against the gross receipts portion of the Business Income and Receipts tax.

With Just A Little Planning, Planned Obsolescence Can be Made Obsolete

Tuesday Mar 12, 2013
Planned obsolescence is a seemingly inescapable facet of life under American capitalism. Ever since light bulb manufacturers first conspired to limit their products’ lifespan, we’ve been buying products designed to have limited lifespans and, for the most part, eating it up. Never before, however, have we seen such a fast turnover rate of high-tech consumer goods, many of which are still perfectly functional and only made “obsolete” by artificial standards – standards that serve only to improve already bloated corporate bottom lines. The negative impact this aspect of our culture has on our wallets is matched only by the murderous effect it has on the planet’s ecology: electronic waste is one of the fastest-growing and least easily recycled forms of waste, and the resource-intensive strip-mining of increasingly scarce rare-earth minerals in far-off locations is exacting a devastating toll on far-flung locations around the world. Add to this equation the enormous amount of petroleum, coal, and heavy metals used directly and indirectly in the production of these largely unnecessary goods, and the trend toward greater and greater consumption of the latest high-tech gadgets is an ominous sign for our planet’s future.

The Perks of Recycling in Philadelphia

Tuesday Feb 19, 2013
Philly and Recyclebank recently received the Outstanding Award in Public/Private Partnerships from the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM). The partnership between Recyclebank and the Philadelphia Streets Department was rewarded for increasing recycling in the City and diverting more waste from landfills!

Is Organic Healthier for You?

Friday Feb 08, 2013
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), organic is a term used to label food products that are produced through sustainable processes. This means that the food is produced using practices that decrease the use of nonrenewable resources, promotes ecological balance (the relationship between organisms and the environment), and conserves biodiversity. Organic farming also excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics, hormones, irradiation, and sewage sludge in crop and livestock production.

Improving Access to Food in Philadelphia

Monday Feb 04, 2013
In December of 2012, Mayor Nutter signed an executive order creating the Philadelphia Food Access Collaborative. The Collaborative will work to improve access to free meals for individuals in need. Bringing together selected community members, meal providers, City officals and residents who use community food services will help increase access to healthy, fresh food in a safe indoor setting for several individuals in Philly.

For the Love of Bikes!

Tuesday Jan 22, 2013
From Philadelphia’s bike score to a bike share, the city’s love for bikes is definitely growing, and from a sustainability standpoint that’s something to celebrate.

Stay Warm and Save on Energy this Winter!

Tuesday Jan 08, 2013
As the temperature begins to drop this month you’ll want to stay cozy inside, but is your house letting the cold in instead? Wind can cause drafts through all the nooks and crannies of your house, and if your ceiling is not weatherized properly all the hot air from turning up that thermostat will find its way out. Stay warm and save energy with a few self-help tips on weatherizing your home!

The Impact of Plastic vs. Fresh Trees: A Holiday Debate

Saturday Nov 17, 2012
December is the time of year where people begin to decorate their homes for the holidays. For those who celebrate Christmas, one of the biggest traditions to adorn their home is the Christmas tree but which is more environmentally-friendly; a fresh or fake tree? The answer to this Christmas question is rather tricky.
